Brian Stanton Associates, LLC provides a wide range of services related to compliance with the various accessibility regulations including ADAAG, TAS, ANSI, and Fair Housing. These are complex and dynamic laws that affect virtually every design professional, and building owner. Our clients include architects, landscape architects, engineers, designers, building owners, and property managers.
- Consistent Results Every Time
The more people who perform reviews and inspections, the more room there is for varying interpretations and unreliable results. Brian Stanton is personally engaged during all phases of project delivery resulting in a consistent and reliable work product.
- Enhanced Levels of Knowledge & Experience
The fact that we are Registered Architects in addition to being Registered Accessibility Specialists gives our clients the added value of our knowledge, experience and expertise.
- Practical and Sensitive Approach to Compliance
We recognize the challenges in complying with these laws and strive to balance the need for pragmatic and sensible interpretations, and solutions to real world applications of the technical requirements without compromise to these laws that we are required to uphold.
- Willing and Able Technical Resource
We consider ourselves an open and accessible resource on the subject of accessibility. We have close relationships with many architects, building owners, and contractors and are always willing to answer technical questions, review emails or visit construction sites.